Topics Coverage Summary: ISAs, performance evaluation, computer arithmetic, single-cycle processor, multi-cycle processor, pipelining, caches, virtual memory, modern superscalars, and multithreading
Number of Questions/Slides Available: 107
Materials Author: Leo Porter, UC San Diego
Sample Peer Instruction Questions (click to enlarge):
Peer Instruction Materials for Computer Architecture
Textbook Based on: Computer Organization and Design, Revised Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy.
Structure: Ten-week quarter at University of California, San Diego.
Uses and Adaptations: Used by 2 other UCSD instructors (beyond the developer, Leo Porter). Developer also used at Skidmore College for 12-weeks of a semester and used the remaining 3 weeks with paper reading on modern topics. Non-PI slides originally developed by Dean Tullsen at UCSD. Used with his permission.
Slides for Intro. to Computer Architecture Course Lectures by Dr. Leo Porter, Skidmore College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Non-PI slides originally developed by Dean Tullsen, UCSD. Used with permission.
Lecture Materials Overview:
- Lectures are organized into topics which can span one to three 1 hour 20 minute lecture periods.
Lecture Materials with Meta-Data on Clicker Questions:
Lecture Materials without Meta-Data on Clicker Questions:
Topic 6 – MC Exceptions (short)
Topic 8 – Pipelining – Data Hazards
Topic 9 – Pipelining – Control Hazards
Topic 13 – Advanced Pipelining